
Understanding The Real Cost Of Using Aluminium In Your Home Renovations

Understanding The Real Cost Of Using Aluminium In Your Home Renovations

Home renovations. It’s a phrase that strikes fear into even the most intrepid lover of “fixer-uppers.” There are many reasons for this – mess, stress and inconvenience being only a few. Cost, of course, is probably first on most people’s list when talking about the downside of renovations. If this sounds all too familiar, here’s something to ponder when pouting about price: Is the cost of the renovation justified when you consider the value of the renovation? In other words, if...
Here’s Why You Should Choose Origin Aluminium Folding Doors

Here’s Why You Should Choose Origin Aluminium Folding Doors

Summer is on its way, and there is no better way to prepare for the long, hot months than by opening up your home with aluminium folding doors. Folding doors are one of the best ways to integrate your indoor and outdoor spaces as they allow for opening along their entire width. They are also ideal for easy entry and exit, as they can be configured with exceptionally low thresholds – no raised runner to trip over! Folding doors also...

Redecorating? Create A Holiday Vibe At Home With Amazing Aluminium

Although the festive season holidays are already well behind us, most of us are still taking a little time to get back into the daily routine of “real life.” During our precious time off, it was wonderful to spend so much time relaxing and soaking up that addictive holiday vibe. Lazy mornings, no stress or worry, and plenty of very happy memories made with family and loved ones. No wonder we’re finding it hard to leave it behind and re-join...

Get The Aluminium Advantage For Your Home

Aluminium is the most abundant, naturally occurring metal in the world, and the third-most abundant element after oxygen and silicon. In fact, about eight percent of the earth's crust consists of aluminium bauxite. Most of us use it every single day, often without even realising. Today, people use more aluminium than at any other point in its 125-year commercial history. And yet, its bountiful supply still exceeds global demand. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that without aluminium, our lives...