
origin aluminium casement windows

Crafting Your Dream Home: A Guide to Choosing Aluminium Casement Windows

When you’re crafting your dream home, every detail matters. From the colour palette to the furniture, each element plays a crucial role in creating a space that truly reflects your personality. One often overlooked yet crucial aspect is the windows. In this article, we'll explore the world of aluminium casement windows and provide a comprehensive guide to help you make an informed decision. With their durability, energy efficiency, and sleek design, aluminium casement windows can elevate your home's functionality and aesthetic...
origin -Modern Facade Design using Aluminium Cladding

Transform Your Building with a Modern Facade Design using Aluminium Cladding

Imagine your building envelope – the walls and roof – as more than just a shell. What if it could actively contribute to a building's energy efficiency, beauty, and overall impact on the environment? That's the power of modern building envelopes, and a key player in this exciting shift is aluminium cladding.  According to a recent study, architects are increasingly designing envelopes that go beyond basic functionality. Today, it's about creating responsive exteriors that consider energy use, cost, and aesthetics. This...
Origin Exploring the Magic of Biophilic Design

Bringing the Outside In: Exploring the Magic of Biophilic Design

In our urban world, where green spaces often give way to grey cityscapes, the longing for a slice of nature within our homes has never been more profound. Sadly though, we find ourselves indoors for about 90% of our time, a fact that brings to light the essential need for integrating the natural world into our personal spaces. This is where the transformative power of biophilic design comes into play, serving as a bridge that connects the built environment with the...
Origin - Guide to Architectural Aluminium

Origin Aluminium’s Guide to Architectural Aluminium Solutions for Modern Commercial and Residential Buildings

Architectural aluminium solutions are at the forefront of modern construction, merging innovation with sustainability to shape the future of commercial and residential buildings. Did you know that aluminium is the most abundant metal in the Earth's crust and has been used in architecture for over a century? Its use has transformed from mere decorative detailing in the early 20th century to a fundamental building block in modern commercial and residential buildings. This versatility and durability make aluminium an invaluable material for architects,...
Origin - Noise-Reducing Aluminium Doors and Windows

Healthy Living Harmony: Noise-Reducing Aluminium Doors and Windows

We’re all looking for a peaceful and serene living environment. But have you ever considered the impact of noise pollution on your health and well-being? With the constant hustle and bustle of modern life, finding tranquility within the confines of your home has become more important than ever. But how can you achieve this much-needed oasis of calm in an increasingly noisy world? The answer might just be closer than you think. Noise-reducing aluminium doors and windows are a relatively simple solution to...
origin - curtain walling trends

Top 10 Curtain Walling Trends: Shaping the Future of Modern Architecture

The world of curtain walling is experiencing a remarkable surge, driven by the burgeoning demand for eco-friendly structures and ground-breaking advancements in the glazing industry. This rapid growth is not just a trend; it's a revolution in architectural design, blending sustainability with innovation. As we witness this exciting evolution, it's crucial to stay abreast of the latest developments shaping the future of our buildings. In this light, we present the top 10 trends in curtain walling that are not just influencing but...

Exploring the Versatility of Aluminium Curtain Walling Systems in Building Facade Design

Did you know that aluminium is the second most used metal in buildings after steel? Its rising popularity, especially in aluminium curtain walling systems, is a testament to its versatility in building façade design. These systems are not just a trend; they're a game-changer in the architectural world. Let’s find out why. Aluminium Curtain Walling: More Than Meets the Eye The application of aluminium curtain walling systems in modern architecture goes beyond aesthetic appeal. These innovative systems integrate design and functionality seamlessly. They...
Origin Maximising Your Home Renovation

Maximising Your Home Renovation: Avoiding Common Mistakes and Making Informed Choices

Did you ever stop to consider why a staggering 61% of middle-income people prefer to renovate their homes rather than relocate? This figure isn't just about numbers; it echoes the profound emotional connection people have with their homes. Each wall, corner, and floorboard holds memories, stories, and milestones. As we evolve, so do our spaces. Crafting a home that mirrors our growth and aspirations is a dream many of us harbour. Yet, the path to turning this dream into reality is...
Origin Cleaning Sliding Door Tracks

The Art of Cleaning Sliding Door Tracks: A Guide to Squeaky Clean Living

Have you ever had that embarrassing moment when a friend slides open your patio door, only to find a track that looks more like an archaeological dig than a modern home feature? Yep, you’re not alone. You’ll likely find that many homeowners admit to neglecting the task of cleaning sliding door tracks. Perhaps it's the fear of what they'll find. Or maybe it’s just a case of ‘outta sight, outta mind!’ No matter, with our simple and effective guide, you can...
Origin - Navigating the Terrain

Navigating the Terrain: Challenges and Solutions in Construction Projects

Ever felt like building something grand is like trying to bake the perfect Victoria sponge cake, without a recipe? You've got the basics: eggs, flour, sugar, and butter. But what about the intricate details that make it rise to perfection? Similarly, in the vast realm of construction projects, getting the foundation right is essential. Yet, many hurdles can make the journey somewhat crumbly. Now, imagine having a secret ingredient that helps - that’s where Origin Aluminium comes in. With their impressive...
Bil Barrett, Hari IV, 1982, Fabricated Aluminum, 32' x 30' x 16'; Staten Island, New York, USA

From Ingenuity to Innovation: The History and Evolution of Architectural Aluminium

Have you ever stopped to admire the sleek, modern lines of a city skyscraper or gazed in wonder at a home extension that seems to float, all while merging seamlessly and magically with its environment? Behind that magic is none other than our hero of the hour - architectural aluminium. We’re sure that you didn’t expect a metal to be the star of this tale, did you? But this is no ordinary metal. An interesting fact for the trivia enthusiasts: according...
Origin - Converting From Steel to Aluminium

Converting From Steel to Aluminium: A Guide to Upgrading Your Windows

Picture this: you're gazing out of your window, admiring the morning sunshine, the bustling city streets or perhaps the tranquillity of your garden. Now imagine that same view, but clearer, more modern and undisturbed by signs of age or rust. If that's a view you'd like to wake up to every day, then you've come to the right place. A study conducted by Grand View Research states that the global aluminium market size was valued at USD 147.2 billion in 2020...