
Why Choose Aluminium Windows and Doors for Commercial and Retail Applications

Why Choose Aluminium Windows and Doors for Commercial and Retail Applications?

With so many products on the market, why would builders or architects choose aluminium windows and doors for commercial applications? We need to update the myth that aluminium windows are less energy efficient than PVC or timber profiles. A product that is resistant to even the most brutal weather conditions, one that does not fade or discolour over time, and that is not affected by humidity certainly has a place in commercial and retail spaces of the future. It all comes down...
Origin - Anodised Aluminium vs Powder Coated 5 Fast Facts

Anodised Aluminium vs Powder Coated: 5 Fast Facts

We love aluminium. Its versatility and availability make it a top choice in so many different industries, from catering to construction. What other material can say the same? But what happens if we want to strengthen a piece, protect it or extend its lifespan? Enter the powder-coated vs anodised aluminium debate. These are the top two options of coating aluminium available today, but why would you choose one over the other? If you are looking to add a coating to your aluminium...
Origin - How to Find the Best Aluminium Suppliers in South Africa

How to Find the Best Aluminium Suppliers in South Africa

Aluminium is one of the largest industries in South Africa, which is both wonderful and intimidating at the same time. Such a vast marketplace offers consumers the benefit of choice, but how do you know that you’re working with the leaders in the industry? The top companies in the country are doing a few things well, and Origin Aluminium is one of them. Founded in 2005, they have grown from strength to strength to become a leading manufacturer and supplier of...
10 Myths About Aluminium Doors and Windows

10 Myths About Aluminium Doors and Windows

For many years, aluminium frames have been turned aside in favour of other materials for so many reasons. Reasons that, it turns out, are myths. Aluminium is popping up all over now when it comes to replacing doors and window frames, and you may be wondering if it is something you should be considering using in your home or business. If this is the case, then you will want to keep reading as we are about to bust some myths and...
Origin - Why Replace Dry Walls With Glass and Aluminium Walls

Why Replace Dry Walls With Glass and Aluminium Walls?

The human connection. What the COVID19 pandemic taught us is that the thing we will never take for granted again is the thing we miss most. Feeling connected to those around us plays a big part in our day-to-day wellbeing. But how can we keep this feeling of connectedness while still keeping up with Covid protocols and social distancing? With many employees working from home and slowly returning to the office a few days a week, companies are looking for new and innovative...
A Practical Guide Choosing Windows and Glass Doors for Your New Home

A Practical Guide: Choosing Windows and Glass Doors for Your New Home

Spoilt for choice? That’s a good thing when it comes to window and door styles and materials. We recently discussed the importance of factoring in function, style, and energy efficiency when choosing windows and doors for your new home. However, we’d like to dive a little deeper into the practicality of the materials available and unpack the pros and cons of each. Materials Matter in Windows and Glass Doors There’s no doubt that you’re looking for the most cost-effective windows and doors when...

Four innovative ways to enhance space with sliding doors

You may think that sliding doors only lead outside, but with its modern and creative designs today, the options for sliding doors are limitless! From creating hidden home offices to cleverly dividing spaces, it can take your home from average to amazing with a single installation. With its many uses and large range of benefits, sliding doors have become quite popular with home and business owners. And while they are incredibly functional and beneficial, they can also add a stylish touch...
Creative ways to create a patio enclosure

The best of both worlds: Creative ways to create a patio enclosure

Whether you want to add extra living space or enhance the curb appeal of your home, there are many ways to do it. An excellent solution to make the most use of this area is to enclose it with an aluminium and glass structure. These patio enclosures can be installed in many creative ways and can feature a range of windows, doors, and walls to suit your style and beautifully enhance your property. Why consider a patio enclosure? A patio enclosure is one of the most cost-effective ways...
Boost foot traffic Give your shop front a makeover

Boost foot traffic: Give your shop front a makeover

People make an impression within the first seven seconds. As the owner of a brick-and-mortar store, you have to keep this in mind if you want to increase foot traffic. If your store's design is not giving the right impression, you may never see the movement you want to see into your store. While chain stores have the luxury of using the same design at all their stores, independent store owners need to step up their game to attract customers....
Working from home Easily zone an open-plan space for a home office

Working from home? Easily zone an open-plan space for a home office

We've become used to open-plan living and the idea that not all the rooms in our homes need to have four walls. This has changed the way we use our homes, but it has also created some challenges; One being working from home which has become the new normal in recent months. For most of us, working from home may not be convenient, especially when you can't simply close a door to keep distractions out. So, how can you turn...
Invest in a new look for your overlooked garage with aluminium doors

Invest In A New Look For Your Overlooked Garage With Aluminium Doors

When we decide to revamp our homes, we are often so eager to renovate our most used spaces, that we overlook other important areas. The garage and specifically garage doors are usually one of these areas, even though it is the most noticeable exterior feature. This often leaves us with unsightly doors that give a dull and uninspiring appearance to the entire look of our properties. If you're ready to renovate, start with your garage and see how this change...
Aluminium vs Steel Windows and Doors Image1

Aluminium vs Steel Windows and Doors – How Do They Stack Up?

In a world where wood has long been king the aluminium vs steel debate is part of the takeover in architectural design. Steel and aluminium are both strong and durable materials; metal always makes it easier to do more with a whole lot less actually. Think of it, smaller frames allow bigger windows and bigger glass doors that don’t weigh a ton. That all translates into more light, which has another spin-off in reducing your electricity bill. Aluminium was discovered way back...