Planning Your Dream Home – What you need to know!

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Planning Your Dream Home – What you need to know!

Planning your dream home is an exciting but challenging process.

Most people spend countless hours thinking about their new home’s design, flow and functionality. They consider colours, styles and the vast array of kitchen and bathroom options available, and which will serve their family best.

Indeed, building a new house is no small feat. We’re taking a closer look at some of the factors that come into play when you’re planning your dream home.

Location, location, location


You cannot overstate the importance of choosing a good spot for your new home. While you may have a dream home in mind, it might not be realistic to build that dream.

A home on the beach may be what everyone wants, but how practical is it? What size property will you get for the money you have to spend, and do you have to factor in major earthworks for land that may be on a slope or difficult to access? There are also environmental factors like air pollution and noise pollution which can affect how much fun (and health) people get out of living in certain areas.

So ask yourself: How important is having access to beaches? Or being close enough to walk into town each day? Would my family still be happy if we lived further away from shopping centres or schools? How far am I away from my family and friends?

The location of your home is the one thing that you can’t change.

Local building requirements

What you want to build and what you’re allowed to build may be vastly different. Working with a professional draftsperson or architect allows you to get as close to what you want as possible, whilst still remaining on the right side of the law.

Be sure that you understand the local building requirements and whether or not you need to consider elements such as:

  • Building in a flood zone or near a water source
  • Building in or near protected areas such as conservancies
  • How you will deal with storm water
  • What the local waste disposal requirements are
  • How high you can build

You’ll also avoid costly mistakes by taking advice from those in the know.

What the family needs

In order to plan your dream home, you need to consider your family’s needs. It’s important to know how many bedrooms and bathrooms you’ll need and how much space each room needs for laundry and cleaning supplies.

If you have pets or kids, it’s also a good idea to keep them in mind when planning out your layout. Kids can be messy but are also learning about life in general – so think about what kind of environment might be best for them while they are growing up. (And which will be the least stressful for you!)

Safety is a major concern, so consider this when you’re planning features such as a swimming pool, a mezzanine level, or when building on a steep property.

Energy efficiency

There’s no doubt that building an energy efficient home is high on your list of priorities. With the cost of – well – everything right now, we can all do with shaving back expenses wherever possible.


While there are dozens of routes you can take to an energy efficient home, your choice of windows and doors are important.

Energy efficient windows, for example, are an excellent investment for any homeowner and will save you money in the long run. Low-e glass (low emissivity) helps keep cold air out while still letting sunlight in, which means that less energy is required to heat up or cool down your home. Double-glazed windows also help reduce heat loss through your window frames and can cut heating costs by 20% or more compared with single glazing.

To obtain accurate information on energy efficient features such as insulation, solar panels and other upgrades is by consulting with professionals who specialise in these areas!

Design and practicality

When you begin the planning process, it’s important to have a clear idea of what kind of house you want. The first step is to consider the style of house that suits your lifestyle. Do you have young children who will be playing and running around indoors? Then perhaps an open-plan style home would be best suited. Do you enjoy entertaining guests? Then think about having an outdoor kitchen and patio area where people can relax while they wait for dinner.

Although this sounds like common sense, there are many things that come into play when trying to decide on which type of home will work best for your needs. For example, if noise brings stress into your life then maybe building a large two story house with hardwood floors wouldn’t be so great after all…

A bit about windows and doors for your dream home

Windows and doors are a key part of any home, but they are also a key part of any home extension. There are many types of windows and doors available, so shop around to make sure that your dream home has exactly the right ones.

Origin_sliding doors

Windows and doors can help you add value to your home. You might want a bay window in your kitchen because it adds light to the room or maybe you would like some large sliding/folding doors for your living room so that people can see out into the garden from inside. Whatever style or design you choose will make all the difference to how well it complements your interior design scheme. (As well as improving energy efficiency by reducing draughts or heat loss through gaps between frames.)

If you’re planning your dream home, take time to consider all the options.

Planning your dream home is a big job, but it’s worth it! You’ll want to take the time to consider all the possible options.

You can save money by planning ahead. For example, if you’re planning on buying a house that needs repairs or updating, take into account how much it will cost and make sure that any renovations fit within your budget. Consider using an architect or interior designer who specialises in green building so that your home uses less energy and has fewer environmental impacts (for example, by using eco-friendly materials).

Research different types of houses and their construction materials before making any decisions about what kind of house would suit your needs best. Ask professionals such as architects/interior designers for building or renovation advice to make informed decisions before you start your project.

Home building is an exciting time. We know that planning your dream home can seem overwhelming, but with the right guidance, you’ll be on the path to making your home exactly as you want it.

For more information on the very best doors and windows, talk to our professional team – we’re here to help.

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